How to Cook Mexican Food Using Pantry & Freezer Items

​​Source: Muy Bueno

Being stuck at home, during COVID-19, isn’t the best situation for those who don’t know how to cook. 

And it’s even worse if you’re trying figure out how to make recipes taste good using pantry and freezer items.

Luckily for Mexico In My Pocket readers, we’re friends with Yvette who has a whole list of Muy Bueno Mexican food recipes ready for us to use!

So whether you’re wondering how to make homemade frijoles de la olla, traditional Mexican rice, or sopa de fideo, our amiga Yvette has you covered!

To see the full list of recipes, click here, and don’t forget to tell her gracias!

Follow Yvette on Instagram

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About the Author


Mexican-American journalist, former national news producer, and graduate of Boston College and Columbia University School of Journalism. Her mission is to shed more light on the beauty and traditions of Mexican culture. This website is dedicated to her grandmothers, Tita Susana and Tita Lupita, who taught her to be proud of her heritage and to always remember where her ancestors came from.

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