This article was originally published on October 21, 2015 and has been modified and updated for our new website.

We love Halloween and having a Dia De Los Muertos Party was definitely something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.
This weekend, we had a Día De Los Muertos party for the kids.
Usually we have a Halloween party, but little Selina is at the that age where she is scared of anything related to Halloween, pobrecita!
Anyways, we decided a colorful and festive Día De Los Muertos party would do the trick, even though the actual day is not until November 1st.

shop candles


To get my DIY tutorial for the skull piñata, visit my website.

shop jewelry

Sugar Skull Cake
I found this awesome cake silicone mold at Michaels Craft Store. So fun to make and decorate!

Pass the Skull Games
Instead of pass the hot potato, we played pass the skull. It’s a young game, but still fun.

We love Halloween and having a Día De Los Muertos party was definitely something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.
Although it was way too hot for a Sunday, October afternoon, the kids didn’t care.
We played, laughed and ate way too much cake & sweets.
Our loved ones that are no longer here would totally approve.

For more DIY tutorials and lifestyle ideas, make sure to visit Lily's website.
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